How selective is admission to the SPU 教育学院 graduate degree 项目?
这因程序而异. 一些项目的录取,比如 Accelerated Master in Teaching Mathematics 和 Science (AMTMS), 教学艺术加速硕士 (还) 医学博士在学校辅导中国的竞争非常激烈. Admission to each of SPU's graduate 项目 in education is st和ards-based, all applicants must meet all st和ards for admission.
是的,在大多数情况下. 教育学院提供的大多数研究生学位课程都是兼职课程, with classes offered in a variety of worker-friendly venues. 教育 graduate courses are scheduled at SPU or off campus, 在晚上, 偶尔在星期六, 在夏天.
的 加速文学硕士教学 (还) Accelerated Master in Teaching Mathematics 和 Science (AMTMS)程序是例外. 的y are one-year full-time 项目 due to their full-time internships.
Is it possible to complete a graduate degree from SPU's 教育学院 online?
的 教育学院 offers several fully online 项目, including the AMAT-Online, AMTMS-Online, 数字教育领导, 教师领导能力 项目. Please review the program pages for eligibility requirements.
20多年来,SPU的教育学院除了提供研究生证书外,还提供广泛的完全认可的硕士和博士学位. SPU's reputation in P–12 education in Washington 和 around the country is strong, 完成研究生学位和证书课程的学生就业率高于全州平均水平.
还有问题吗?? 联系 gradadmissions@khsczscj.com,致电206-281-2091(或800-601-0603).